Vision & Beliefs


Our Vision

At Awaken, our vision is to create followers of Jesus. We believe Jesus models what it means to be truly human and so we aspire to be on that life giving journey of following Jesus and learning to live in his footsteps.

There are 3 specific ways that we live out that vision here at Awaken:

First, by welcoming others into God’s love. We start with the belief that God’s love is for everyone. We hope to convey this truth by creating an atmosphere where you feel welcomed and loved every time you gather with our community.

The second way is by building communities of belonging. We believe what we all truly desire is a place to belong. A place where we can be supported and encouraged with all the hopes, joy, pain, and dreams we carry within us. Outside of our Sunday morning service, there are various communities that meet throughout the week exactly for this purpose.

The third way we live out our vision is by loving our neighbors. We want our church to be active in supporting our local neighborhoods. Being intentional about this is important to us so we have multiple opportunities throughout the year for our Awaken community to be a tangible blessing to those around us.


Our Beliefs

Awaken is centered on two of the earliest creeds of the Christian faith. The Nicene Creed and the Apostles Creed.

While we affirm these statements of faith, we also recognize that reading a statement of faith isn’t the best way to discover what a group believes. Instead, it is best to join that group in action. We therefore invite you to join us on this journey to live out the words of Jesus in the 21st century world in which we find ourselves.

At Awaken, we believe Jesus to be the Son of God. Fully human and fully divine, it is through the death and resurrection of Jesus that we have received new life. Through his death and resurrection, we believe that a new creation is bursting forth renewing and restoring all things.

We believe the ancient Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments to be the divinely inspired word of God. As a community, we look to these texts to show us how to be faithful to the God we find revealed within and how to join God in the renewing and restoring of all things.